

Matcole specializes in small business web design. We understand what small businesses want, need and desire. Your company’s website design is important.

You can build your own website, but why would you?

Spend your time, making money, doing what you do best.


Content Management is the process of creating unique, informative and sometimes persuasive content in the form of web blogs, new pages, updated catalog descriptions and items, press releases, social media tie-ins, or any other areas where more user traffic is generated for your site. The new content can also be tied to existing or new web ad programs.


Web design encompasses many functions that must work as one. How a site looks is as important as how it functions.

Your end users will be the ultimate judge. We can incorporate Google Analytics™ into your website, allowing you to see how many users visit your site along with their demographics.


Offsite website hosting makes sense for many reasons. Monitoring of the servers and the ability to hot swap the website and/or emails in case of failure is a major advantage over in house hosting.

Standalone website servers also add another layer of protection between hackers and your real company network with customer databases etc.


Search Engine Optimization, SEO is the process of creating your website so that people and search engines can find it quickly. A higher page ranking for your “keywords” can translate into more sales.  But, unlike the "old" days, keywords alone won't help ranking, original content is necessary in today's search engine world.

We mainly develop using WordPress™ for this reason (among other), because large search engines can easily navigate and search website created using the WordPress format.


Responsive Web Design means that the website looks great no matter which screen size is used, whether using a desktop monitor, touchscreen, or mobile device.  

This website is "responsive," meaning that if you are on a monitor and change the size of your browser window, you will see how the items automatically rearrange and still look very professional.  Also, one hand operation is possible, whereas if you put a full size website on a mobile device screen you may need to zoom in to see items and buttons may be too small to click on.